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Friday, December 31, 2021


After two years of avoiding COVID-19 and working as a research assistant on the front lines, I finally tested positive on December 29, 2021. Although I am fully vaccinated (waiting to schedule my booster) I am honestly grateful that I was at least infected at a moment in time where ground-breaking research has paved the way for the creating of vaccines and the first oral antiviral against the virus. So while I am out of work for the next week and a half I thought it would be best to spend this time documenting my experience with COVID-19. I decided to document my experience to give readers out there some insight as to how to manage the symptoms and mitigate the spread of the virus to members of your household during quarantine. 

So here's how it all began: 

  • December 22, 2021: Before the holidays my family and I decided to test two days before visiting family members outside of our household. I was feeling normal a few days prior even after working my shift at a nearby clinic providing COVID testing. I did have a slight sore throat but it was nothing for me to worry about and it went away later that day. 
  • December 23, 2021: Felt fine. No sore throat, no headaches, no worrisome symptoms at all
  • December 24, 2021: Our PCR test results from the 22nd came back negative 
  • December 27, 2021: We returned home after spending my daughters first Christmas with family 
  • December 28, 2021: I went to work and as expected after a holiday, the clinic was packed with patients for urgent care and COVID testing. Now, this is the day I believe I caught the virus. Although I wear PPE (personal protective equipment) I did notice that a few patients would sneeze and/or cough on me. Every time this happened I quickly sanitized my gown and carefully removed my gloves. I make sure to change gloves per patient getting tested to avoid cross-contamination. I also sanitize my workspace and all pens and clipboards being utilized by patients and staff. However, as soon as my shift ended I had the worst sore throat I've ever had in my life. The soreness went deep down in my throat and I was feeling fatigued. To be safe I began wearing my mask in the house and even slept with it on. That night I felt feverish and had chills throughout my body. But what stood out to me the most were the body aches and persistent chest pain. 
  • December 29, 2021: Body aches continued and the chest pain did not go away. I tried to buy an at-home rapid test, but every pharmacy in my county was out of stock and wasn't sure when they would be getting another shipment. I felt super fatigued and noticed my breathing was quite shallow, although it didn't feel like it took a lot of effort to take a breath. (I do not have a pulse oximeter so I couldn't measure oxygen saturation levels). I ended up going to the clinic where I work and asked them to do a rapid and a PCR test. After 15 minutes the rapid came out positive, there was a faint second line but it was there. Tears started rolling down my face because the last thing I wanted to do was bring COVID into my home. I was mostly scared for my 6-month old daughter who is too young to be vaccinated and the thought of her being hospitalized made me panic. I knew that I had to somehow isolate myself in our one-bedroom apartment to avoid infecting my family. After getting tested, I told the nurse to do a PCR on both my husband and my daughter for precaution.

SIDE NOTE: On the morning of the 29th at around 8:50 am my temperature was 96.3. Later that night at 7:28 pm my fever spiked to 101.8 followed by chills and night sweats, increased chest pain, and mild cough.

  • December 30, 2021: My PCR test came back POSITIVE, while my husband and daughter's PCR test came back NEGATIVE. I ended up taking multiple naps throughout the day and lost my appetite. Luckily, I could still smell and taste however I was neither hungry nor satiated, but I knew I had to force myself to eat. Later that day I also started to feel congested and had a runny nose. To alleviate symptoms I took Emergen-C, NyQuil, and Mucinex sparingly throughout the day. I also did my best to stay hydrated by drinking water and sipping on tea. 

SIDE NOTE: At 8:29 am, the temperature was 97.9 and at 6:27 pm it was 99.4. Something I also noticed that I hadn't before, was that COVID affected my heart rate. I wear a Fitbit throughout the day and as I went out for a short walk my HR spiked to 127 BPM. While resting my heart rate goes down to about 77-86 BPM. I am hoping I do not have any cardiac-related issues post COVID, so this is something that I will make sure to monitor regularly. 

  • December 31, 2021: Happy New Year's Eve! I tried to enjoy the night as best I could, but I ended up going to bed early before officially ringing in the New Year. Overall I felt better than I had most days. I have been experiencing a loss of appetite and have been trying to eat more meals and snacks throughout the day (which could explain why I felt lightheaded). I was, however, a lot more congested with a stuffy and runny nose. Therefore I would drink lots of ginger and garlic tea and Emergen-C packets and Mucinex to help alleviate that discomfort. In terms of my heart rate, I did notice that after adding garlic to my tea, my resting HR would be 56-65 on average and while minimally exerting myself it would spike to 89-100 the most. So that's an improvement!

SIDE NOTE: Morning temperature at 8:29 am was 98.3 and my evening temperature at 9:27pm was 99.4. I decided not to take any NyQuil that night in order to let the minor fever break on its own. And honestly, I felt more restful even though it took me a while to fall asleep. I did have minor chills,  but they definitely weren't as terrible as the first night!


1. Make sure the person who is infected is isolated (whether that be in a bedroom, or if that is not possible in a separate space in the apartment or house)

2. Make sure that all infected and non-infected persons are wearing a mask at all times. Also, wear gloves while sharing the same space (make sure to spray Lysol or alcohol 60% or greater on gloves frequently to avoid cross-contamination) 

3. Make sure to separate all utensils and items that the infected person has touched from items in the main house


5. Ventilate the space with a humidifier or keep a window or door open for at least 20 min every few hours 

6. Maintain a distance of 6 feet or more while wearing masks 

7. Continue to monitor the infected person and any new symptoms in others in your household 

*I am only stating what I have done so far in my home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, the CDC also has some guidelines on what to do and how long you should quarantine for click the link here for more information.*

Hope you all have a safe and healthy New Year! Let's hope the year 2022 is better for us all!

Saturday, November 20, 2021


So here's an update on everything happening in my life right now...


Well, I retook the MCAT twice during the pandemic (crazy, I know). 

Although my score did improve 9 points from my previous attempt it's still not the score I would have wanted. However, I know I did my best and I hope that admissions committees can see that I am more than my score as they peruse through my application. With that said,  I have applied to only a handful of medical schools this cycle and am crossing my fingers and toes for an interview invite in the next few months. The waiting period has me full of anxiety and I oftentimes find myself doubting the process. At the end of the day, I believe I have done everything in my power to make myself a better applicant than I was 4-5 years ago. Therefore, I pray that I receive at least one interview invite because that's all I need to get a little bit closer to my dream of becoming a physician. 

If you're in a similar situation, just hang in there and breathe. You went through the hardest part of the application process already :)


I did receive an interview to one DO program and I got waitlisted. If you've been following my journey to medicine, then you know this has me over the moon. I am glad that an admissions committee was able to see my potential as a student doctor to offer me an interview. Therefore, I am hoping and praying for an acceptance by next year.  As of right now the school is my top choice and I fully resonate with their mission and I believe that I can really grow as a student doctor within such a supportive community. However, if I end up getting rejected from the waitlist, then I will keep my head up and move on and consider other career options. But for now I am holding on to hope.


The next update is that since graduating and getting my master's I have started an all-inclusive reproductive health platform on Instagram called @the.v.corner. So if you're interested in womxn's health and would like a platform to discuss any concerns you may have, then please give the page a follow and let me know what you think. Since the start of the pandemic, I was able to finish any remaining lab work, defend my thesis, and leave city life for rural life with my husband. 

I am currently working temporarily as a full-time research assistant which I'm ecstatic about!! 

Although I still have not fulfilled my dream of becoming a doctor, I know that I was meant to be exactly where I am. My journey has had several bumps in the road and has not all come out how I planned it to be, but I understand that this is a transition period and I will learn more about myself throughout this process. 


I believe the best word to describe 2020 is 'unpredictable'. Every surge of new COVID-19 cases made each month more depressing than the last. However, I am beyond relieved that a vaccine has been made that will slow down the spread of the virus. However, something surprising and unexpected happened this year and it has definitely changed my perspective of the trajectory of my life. For those of you who have been following this blog for a few years, you know that I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2018 after not having my period for 8 months. Since then, I have been focusing on eating healthier, exercising more, and listening to my body. After doing that my cycles started to become more regular.  Anyway enough of the period talk and on to the exciting news, I want to share with you all: I HAD A BABY! My little bundle of joy is almost five months now(time definitely flies by).  Overall, the pregnancy was great! It was challenging not being able to be around family as often due to the pandemic. But my husband and I are really excited to be parents to a beautiful baby girl and can't wait to see what the next few years has in store for us. 

Monday, August 24, 2020




I struggle with it too. 


This weekend I hit a low & became extremely angry with God and took that anger out on someone else. I was angry because I felt as if He wasn’t listening to me. He had become silent when I needed Him the most. 

When things don’t go your way, don’t assume that God is ignoring you. The desires of your heart during these silent seasons haven’t been brought to fruition because your faith is being tested. 

I’ve had to learn it the hard way. 

Today I learned that God intentionally denies your requests so that your faith will grow. How amazing is that!? God will meet you where you’re at, so that as you persist in your journey, the Holy Spirit will meet you where you’re going. 

So if you’re having doubts and constantly feel like God failing you, remember that everything happens for a reason. Take this moment to build a relationship with Him, so that He can fulfill the plans He has for you. 💫



Yo también lucho con eso.


Este fin de semana me sentí muy mal y estaba enojada con Dios porque sentí que no me estaba escuchando. Sentí que Dios se quedo callado cuando más lo necesitaba. 

Cuando las cosas no van a tú manera, no asuma que Dios te estas ignorando. Los deseos de tu corazón durante estas temporadas de silencio, no se han hecho realidad porque Dios esta probando tu fe. 

Tuve que aprenderlo de una manera muy difícil.

Hoy aprendí que Dios intencionalmente niega tus peticiones para que tu fe crezca. ¿¡Qué maravilloso!? Dios se encontrará contigo en el camino,  para que tu perseverancia permita que el Espíritu Santo se encuentre contigo a donde vas o a tu destino final. 

Entonces, si tienes dudas y constantemente sientes que Dios te falla, recuerda que todo sucede por una razón. Aprovecha este momento para construir una relación con Él, para que Él pueda cumplir los planes que tiene para ti. 💫

Sunday, August 9, 2020


We've all been there. The feeling that life is not where you want it to be. Things in your life have gotten even more complicated as the years go by and your faith is falling short. You tread waters you knew not to get your feet into, yet despite this knowledge, you fight any attempt to get help from God. At this point, the raw, the real, and the ugly side of your inner self begin to manifest. Now let's take a deeper dive into how God can uncomplicate your complicated mess. 

What comes to mind when you think of the word 'raw'? Uncooked meat? Open flesh? Well in a sense that's where we are heading. In this case, it refers to what is open, exposed, and vulnerable: our soul. If you're like me, being vulnerable is oftentimes frightening. But why? To be honest it makes me feel prone to manipulation. But God does not want to manipulate you, rather He wants to mold you for a specific purpose. How can God use me? To be rightfully used by God, you must be open and vulnerable to be transformed by Him. Once you open yourself up to Him, He will show you the plans He has laid down for you. God has a purpose for you, and although it may be hard for you to see it right now, trust and believe that He is working all things for your good. Remember, God's intentions aren't to destroy you, rather He plans to lift you up. But he won't be able to do that without your consent. Many times we are made to believe that our God is forceful and that we as humans bend to the will of God.  Truth is,  He never wants to force His love upon you. Instead, He has given you a choice to follow Him and obey His Word. If you follow that choice to walk with Him and spread the Gospel, then He will be able to work through you as He sees fit. 

God is real. His power is real, and thus His love can be felt. I know this because I have far too often tried to shake off His presence and feel His connection. Even as a woman of God, I still struggle with maintaining a connection with Him. Does that make me less holy? No, it makes me human. Truth is, no one has their spiritual life all put together. Our walk is a constant spiritual battle that we try to overcome. It's part of the process, and it will only make our faith stronger. So get real with God right now. Find a moment to lay all out everything that is on your mind. Ask for forgiveness, and cherish this moment in your quiet space to reveal everything you've been hiding. Share with Him what no one else knows, and ask Him to transform you from the inside out. This small yet intimate step might be just what you need to declutter your mind, heart, and soul from everything impeding your walk with God. 

You have to go through the pain before you can grow from it. No one said finding your purpose was going to be easy. Your walk is going to get ugly before it gets better. Each day that goes by will be more agonizing than the next, especially when we are not willing to go through the change. Stop carrying the weight of your world on your shoulders, for once just let God take control.  There will come a time where releasing your life to Him is the only option you have. So why not give Him the chance right now to mend your broken soul? Do not continue walking around with a hardened heart. So give God a chance. Allow Him to open your heart in order to receive all the blessings He has in store. 

God can only intervene if you allow Him to. Therefore, the best way for God to make your complicated mess uncomplicated is by letting go and trusting in Him. Give him access to the most vulnerable parts of you so that you can work on strengthening your relationship with Him. The main reason our mess looks complicated is that we let the world define our worth instead of God. When we let that happen, we try to do so many things at once, trying to please the world and what eventually happens is that we end up coming up short. We never get to fully reap the benefits from our harvest because it wasn't our harvest, to begin with. Instead, we lose focus on the most valuable piece in our lives: God's love. When we give in to the lies of the enemy, we lose sight of the goodness of Christ. All He wants to do is help you throughout your journey and find your purpose. But you can't find your purpose in material things that are insignificant to the One who sits on the throne.